Monday, March 10, 2008

Lying On Your Resume: What Are the Career Consequences?

The article, "Lying on Your Resume: What Are the Career Consequences?" completley opened my eyes to what many individuals are doing everyday in today's world as far as jobs are concerned. I was overwhelmed at the statistic given by research that suggested that more than 50 percent of people lie on their resumes. I honestly had never really entertained the thought that people indeed do this.

After reading further, I can understand how such things as "falsifying academic credentials, padding dates to mask employment gaps, exaggerating job titles, embellishing job responsibilities and achievements, claiming sole responsibility for team efforts and even making up fictitious employers" can be very easily done.

It seemed that lying about such things, or viewing them as harmless white lies, not only hurt the individual that was dishonest, but it also could hurt the honest people. I didn't realize that one person lying about things concerning himself/herself could have any effect on outside individuals, but it made a lot more sense as to how it could after reading this article.

I've always viewed honesty as the best policy, especially given the fact that it makes life so much easier. The article touched on how you may never get caught in your lies, but that you will have to "live in constant fear that someday you will be caught and punished and with the guilt of knowing what you did was wrong". This in itself would be enough to have a constant black cloud over my head.

The last thing in the article that surprised me was the fact that there are indeed ethical resume strategies that can be used for certain situations or issues. I would never have thought that things such as job-hopping, time off from the workforce, minimal work experience, etc., would have anything other than "just that" to explain it. I feel that it is a good thing that these ethical strategies exist, because it can only help an individual out, not hurt them.

I loved the quote at the very end of the article. It is very true and should be remembered at all times by everyone. "You jeopardize your future when you lie about your past."

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